We offer a professionally led hands-on taiko drumming experience in elementary, middle, secondary school and college/university settings. Workshops are offered from beginner to advanced levels and hourly, daily and weekly rates are available. Artist residency programs are negotiable. Student taiko drum gear is provided.
Students engage in physical warm-up exercises, martial arts stance, vocal shouts and drum sticking techniques. They practice rhythmic drills, verbal notation, song rudiments, choreography and group song playing. Students experience the respect and cooperation of group taiko drumming and develop listening and communication skills through the group process.
For distance learning experiences, please find our "INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL TAIKO DRUMMING WORKSHOP" details at our Studio Workshops Listings. The Workshop is accessible to schools and communities across BC and Canada. We look forward to working with your class or school to share an INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL TAIKO DRUMMING EXPERIENCE.
You can contact us directly for bookings and for touring to B.C. school districts.
Complete the Online Form for a quote for service.