Culture Days is a national celebration of arts and culture. At the end of each September, millions of people attend thousands of participatory arts and culture events across the country. Culture Days programs invite the public to get hands-on and behind-the-scenes to highlight the importance of arts and culture in our communities. This year the celebrations have been extended to a 4-week run, from Sept 25 - Oct 25, 2020. Join in a live ZOOM Taiko Basic Drills Drum Lesson led by Uzume Taiko drummers! Participate using your DIY Drum from home and a pair of DIY drumsticks.
Saturday, September 26 from Noon to 1:00 PM PST. Free!
Register at: info@uzume.com and receive Password to Join the ZOOM Meeting.
Check out: https://culturedays.ca/en/events/ddd785a6-24e9-4eda-b6ae-e9b0c03ed38f